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Multi-day Corporate Conference with Gala Event

Working tightly with our client Gluepot Productions, our team of Senior Technical Directors custom designed and built every audio visual aspects of this multi-day corporate conference. There were 12 separate events including gala dinners, plenaries, breakout sessions as well as a live performance over the course of 4-days, for a prominent Pharmaceutical brand.

Our vision for their brief, was to create something unique but also had a sense of wow. There was a combination of hi-tech room lighting and full audio design. However, the true star of the show was the 4x projector blend mapped on 15m x 14m screens integrated into an elaborate truss and stacked stage scaffolding set. This complex performance stage set up allowed for custom content projected on either side simultaneously but also a DJ box where headlining act; The Potbelleez performed, accompanied by dancers and all from within the actual scaffolding wall. An event experience unlike most corporate conferences.

Using: Projection Blending, Projection Mapping, Christie Spyder X20, Barco HDX-W18 HD Projector, 15m x 14m screens and Truss and Staging.




Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre




Gluepot Productions


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